Spilling The Beans

Pole Position
The Malibu Club
Film Studio
Kaufman Cabs
Print Works
Cherry Poppers
Sunshine Autos
Boat Yard

Print Works
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[ Spilling The Beans | Hit The Courier | Cap The Collector ]

After the clip, make your way over to the Malibu Club to see Kent Paul.

You can either make your own way there, or take the Kaufman Cab waiting outside. Taking the Cab will cost just $9 for the ride, and be a lot quicker, as you'll be taken to the club instantly.

When you arrive at the club, go inside and get the info you need from Kent.

Head down to the docks on the second island. The Shipping Officer you'll need to speak to will be on the Chartered Libertine Lines boat. He'll be upstairs in a little office.

When you board the boat, make your way to him. Head for the rear of the ship, and work your way up the stairs. Watch out for the guards, who will attempt to take you out before you get the chance to talk to the Officer. They will be heavily armed.

Once you've had a word with the Officer, make your way back to the Print Works. Watch out for the police, who may be after you because of your shootings on the ship.